隐私政策 & 安全声明

首页 /私隐政策 & 安全声明

本声明解释互联网隐私政策和安全声明政策. 学院保留随时修改此政策的权利,恕不另行通知. Pages that appear after you click on a link on our webpage may be controlled by a different agency or entity, 谁的行为不受学院的控制,而这份政策声明却受控制 属于那些不在学院控制下的网站.



We protect our records in accordance with our obligations as defined by applicable Virginia statutes, 包括, 但不限于, 弗吉尼亚州“政府数据收集和传播实践法案”法典第2条.2-3800等序列.,“弗吉尼亚信息自由法案”第2条.2-3700,等等.,以及任何适用的美国法律.S. 联邦法律.



Mountain Empire Community College ensures the integrity of our systems and that the data we store is protected. The college has gone beyond industry standards to protect our systems by using firewalls, IDS /网络设备, 南京汽车保护, 需要身份验证(系统), 网络和数据), 要求对所有敏感数据进行加密,并尽可能采用所有物理安全措施. We perform monitoring of all systems and networks; network modeling and shaping, 采用最新的反病毒/反垃圾邮件保护, 并对所有系统和网络进行审计. We instill the concept of security and data protection in everything we do 包括 our day to day business practices; new systems, network and building designs; and as a overall part of the colleges desire to keep our environment and data safe and private.



It is the policy of the Commonwealth of Virginia that agencies of the Commonwealth will collect and retain personal information about citizens only to the extent necessary to provide the service or benefit desired; collect only appropriate information; provide the reason the information is collected so that citizens shall understand that reason clearly and enable citizens to examine their personal record which is maintained by a public body.


  • May collect one or more of the following pieces of personal information: your email address, 名字, 社会保险号, 出生日期, 电话号码, 或者课程作业.  收集这些信息是为了满足您的特定在线请求. 如果您选择不提供此个人信息, 您将无法获得本网站提供的某些服务.

  • 收集您的IP地址、浏览过的网页以及您访问的日期和时间.  此资料只作学院内部统计用途.

  • 仅使用临时cookie (i.e., files which may contain a variety of information) on some Web pages for screen colors and graphics or to track movement on the site but will 不 place them permanently on your hard drive.  当您退出网站时,该文件将被自动删除.

  • May link to other Web sites that may or may 不 collect data that does 不 have a relationship to the College through using cookies. 您应该在链接到的Web页面上检查策略.

  • Safeguards any information gathered in compliance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia and does 不 supply any gathered information to other individuals or organizations, 除非遵守这些法律.



The college endeavors to collect only the minimum amount of information needed to provide its services. If you do 不hing 在您访问期间 to the Mountain Empire Community College website but browse or download information, 我们会自动收集和存储以下有关您访问的信息:

  1. 您访问我们网站时使用的互联网域名和IP地址;
  2. 您使用的浏览器和操作系统类型;
  3. 您访问本网站的日期和时间;
  4. the pages visited; and
  5. 如果你从另一个网站链接,地址

If, 在您访问期间, 你推荐几个靠谱的买球网站我们发一封电子邮件, 我们将收集邮件地址和邮件内容, 包括音频, 您发送推荐几个靠谱的买球网站我们的视频和图形信息格式. 这可能是对你的回应, 解决你发现的问题, to further improve our website or to forward your message to a不her agency for appropriate action.

The information in our Web logs is 不 personally identifiable and no attempt is made to link it with the individuals that browse our website. 我们收取费用, 然而, personal information directly from individuals who volunteer to 填写表格或参与调查, 以交付所请求的服务. 我们只收, retain and use personal information where we believe it is essential to administer our business and to provide products, 客户要求的服务和其他机会.



All of the information listed above at “我们收集的信息,包括个人身份信息(PII)” is collected and stored automatically by the college through software purchased from a third-party vendor.



“饼干” are small files either stored on a server or sent back to a visiting computer. 在某些应用程序中,用户信息存储为“cookie”,,然后发送回并存储在用户的计算机上.

Some sections of the college’s website use cookies to customize the information presented to you. 饼干 are also used to aggregate site usage information to help us improve our users’ experience.



Usage information is used to improve the content of our Web services and to help us understand how people are using our pages. We analyze our website logs to improve the value of the materials available on our site. 路由信息用于将请求的网页发送到您的计算机以供查看. Transaction routing information is used primarily in a statistical summary format to assess content and server performance. We may share this summary information with our contracted vendors who provide analytics for us when needed. We analyze our website logs to continually improve the value of the materials available on our site. The information in our Web logs is 不 personally viewable and no attempt is made to link it with the individuals that browse our website.

If, 在你访问学校网站的时候, 你推荐几个靠谱的买球网站我们发一封电子邮件, 我们将收集邮件地址和邮件内容, 包括音频, 您发送推荐几个靠谱的买球网站我们的视频和图形信息格式. 这可能是对你的回应, 解决你发现的问题, to further improve our website or to forward your message to a不her agency for appropriate action.

我们收取费用 personal information directly from individuals who volunteer to subscribe to our services, 填写表格或参与调查. Collecting personal information is necessary in order for the college to deliver the services requested. 我们只收, retain and use personal information where we believe it is essential to administer our business and to provide products, 客户要求的服务和其他机会.

我们可能无限期地保留您的信息, but we ordinarily delete routing information regularly after the Web page is transmitted. 然而, 在极少数情况下,当一个“黑客”试图破坏计算机安全, logs of routing information are retained to permit a security investigation and in such cases may be forwarded together with any other relevant information in our possession to law enforcement agencies. We use this transaction routing information primarily in a statistical summary type format to assess site content and server performance. 我们可能会在需要时与我们的业务合作伙伴共享此摘要信息.

Optional information is retained in accordance with the records retention schedules at the Library of Virginia.

根据“弗吉尼亚信息自由法案”(FOIA), any records in our possession at the time of a “Freedom of Information Request” might be subject to inspection by or disclosure to members of the public. 然而, identifiable personal information will be removed prior to such release in accordance with FOIA.



如果您对本隐私声明或本网站的操作有疑问, 或者如果您选择查看或更正您之前提交的任何信息, 请透过电邮联络我们 info@dzflgg.net.